Hello World!
I'm Ron Painter

Exploring The Expanding Technology Universe.


Portfolio of Ron Painter's work

React / RESTful Web Services / PostgreSQL database web application

Behavior Tracker (Click on the screenshot above to launch a video walk through of the application and technology used)

I developed this web application to track and report the number of times a person is observed performing certain behaviors. The pages in the application are as follows:

  • Behavior Tracker: The main track behavior page (seen above) shows the date of the observation, the person being observed, the location of the observation and a list of that person's behaviors. Plus or minus buttons are used to record the number of times a behavior was observed.
  • Monthly Report: A report showing the total count for each behavior observed in a particular month.
  • Behaviors: Behaviors are customizable and can be added or removed.
  • Locations: The locations where behaviors are to be observed can be added or removed. There is an option as to whether or not that location should be included in the monthly report.
  • Person: A person is added on the Person maintenance page. The Locations and Behaviors for that person are then added to that person's record.

Front end: A ReactJS application created with create-react-app. The components call REST APIs to retrieve, add, edit and delete data. The menu was built using React Router.

Behavior Tracker React Github Repository React Source code can be found my GitHub repository

Middle: RESTful Web Services built in Netbeans and run on a GlassFish server. Generated database classes were customized to add additional API/database calls. Data is received and returned in JSON format.

Behavior Tracker React Github Repository REST API Source code can be found my GitHub repository

Database: Data from the application is stored in a PostgreSQL database utilizing tables, views, and a function.

Android App Developed Using Java

Rock, Paper, Scissors Android App (Click on the screenshot above to launch a demo of the app)

I developed the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game using Android and Java.

  • A player is playing against a computer opponent.
  • After choosing the Start button, a countdown starts "Ready?, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!"
  • Player 1 has a second to make a choice or they will be "Too Late"
  • Once the player has chosen Rock, Paper or Scissors, messages are displayed showing the computer's choice and if there was a Win, Loss, or Tie.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Github Repository Source code can be found my GitHub repository

Sample eLearning course

Google Sheets Home Budget with Google App Scripts (Click on the screenshot above to launch the course)

An Articulate Storyline 360 developed course with information slides, objects synced with audio, screen recordings and a knowledge check quiz. A long while back, I had a Microsoft Excel with Visual Basic for Applications Macros home budget spreadsheet. One day I converted that to use Google Sheets and Google App Scripts. This course demonstrates a stripped down version of my spreadsheet.

Here are screen shots from projects that I developed based on the Udemy course: Android Java Masterclass - Become an App Developer.


Basic calculator with portrait and landscape screens.

Flickr Browser

Displays photos from Flickr based on a keyword search. Pulls JSON data from a Flickr API. Introduced Material Design, Themes and Styles.

YouTube Browser

Uses YouTube API to play a video or videos from a playlist.

Task Timer

Add, edit and delete tasks from a SQLite database, then user chooses a task to time how long they spent on that task. A report is then available to see how much time was spent on each task.

Top 10

Pulls XML from Apple iTunes RSS feeds. Shows lists of top 10 or 25 applications or songs currently on iTunes.

About Me

About Ron Painter

I have extensive expertise in a large variety of web and multimedia technologies. This variety has made it possible for me to build upon my experiences to explore new and exciting technologies. I began as a desktop application developer which led to opportunities for intranet, then internet, web application development. My eLearning course development grew by adding multimedia skills to my web development experience. While in talent and development, I developed a strategy to incorporate mobile learning and delivery into eLearning and multimedia communications, which again enabled me to expand my technology universe. By utilizing my Java, web and multimedia developer skills, I have continued with other software development personal projects by learning React and Android app development using Java and Kotlin.

I have completed Skillsoft's Build Apps using React series and Udemy's Android Java Masterclass - Become an App Developer. To bring myself up to date on the latest version of Java, I am also reviewing Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers. My latest position has given me opportunities to learn about the field of cybersecurity and an increased exposure to networking concepts.

Personal Interests

Playing Electric Bass and Listening To Music: I have been playing electric bass for many years and continue to take lessons. Typically I will play for contemporary services at local churches. Occasionally a few musicians will meet at my house and we'll play rockabilly, blues, and other classic rock. Hand in hand with playing bass, I have quite an extensive collection of CDs and listen every chance I get.

Reading: Recently, I have been reading through series of fiction books like The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, and the Harry Potter series. Simultaneously, I will read non-fiction books, most recently finishing The Story of Reality and Church History in Plain Language.


I am available to discuss new opportunities, please contact me directly at ron@ronpainter.tech